How to make a gratitude journal in 5 easy steps

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There are so many ways a gratitude journal can be life-changing. By keeping track of what fills your soul with positive energy, it can help you feel centered, calm, and more fulfilled. Many scientific studies show the benefits of being grateful every single day. Don’t know where to start? Creating a gratitude journal is a great first step!

Here's how to make your own free gratitude journal to keep track of what you're thankful for and find inspiration every single day. You can also download the free printable. Is it hard to make a gratitude journal?

Making a gratitude journal is easier than you think and doesn’t require spending a lot of money. You don’t even need advanced crafting skills. You can find most materials at home or very inexpensively at your local discount store.

Here's how to make your own free gratitude journal to keep track of what you're thankful for and feel inspired. You can also download the free printable. Or you can print a free gratitude journal like the one I created. I want to help you as you embark on your journey so I’m offering this stunning free gratitude journal that you can print at home to keep track of everything you’re thankful for. You will get it in your inbox so you can print it at home. It’s my way of showing you how thankful I am that you are reading this post.

How to make a gratitude journal in 5 easy steps

If you still prefer to make your own gratitude journal, here’s how:

  1. Pick a blank notebook. It can be ruled or not. It all depends on your preferences.
  2. If you don’t like the cover, personalize it with washi tape, pictures, phrases that inspire you or pretty paper scraps. Laminate so it lasts longer or protect the cover using clear shipping tape to give the cover a laminated look and feel.
  3. Write your name on the first page. You can also write the title, such as My Gratitude Journey.
  4. On each blank page, write prompts at the top using calligraphy or slanted markers. You can later fill in the prompts with a regular pen.
  5. Decorate pages with stickers, phrases that inspire you or if you’re artistic, your own drawings or illustrations.

What to write in a your journal

The next step is to make gratitude a daily habit. Each morning or night make a brief list of what you’re thankful for. On tough days, your list might only have one item. That’s okay. You’re allowed to have bad days and difficult moments. However, this daily exercise will help you pause, take a deep breath, and carry on. Whenever you are feeling a bit down, go back and read your journal entries to fill yourself with positive energy.

More self-care tips

Learn how to create a gratitude journal in 5 easy steps

Have you ever kept a  journal? Let me know if you print out the free 30 days of gratitude journal from my blog!

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