The Easiest Strawberry Brownie Kebabs

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When it comes to easy Valentine’s Day treats, these strawberry brownie kebabs are true winners.

These strawberry brownie kebabs are the easiest Valentine's Day treat. These fruit skewers also have marshmallows and kids love to make them.Not only are they delicious, but they look amazing. If you are really strapped for time, you can use store-bought brownies. That will allow you to make these fruit skewers in just minutes in case you need to come up with a yummy dessert at the last minute.

For this version, I used chocolate almond bark. However, you can also melt chocolate chips and drizzle the fresh strawberries and marshmallows with the melted chocolate for an equally delicious result. Kids can be your best helpers, too, since they love drizzling the melted chocolate and adding sprinkles to everything.

These strawberry brownie kebabs are the easiest Valentine's Day treat. These fruit skewers also have marshmallows and kids love to make them.Another option is to use chocolate dipped strawberries and simply make your brownie kebabs by adding the marshmallows and cut brownies.

Delicious Brownie strawberry kebabs

Time: 10 min

Servings: 6-8


  • Brownies, cut into squares
  • Strawberries, washed, dried, and cored
  • Large marshmallows
  • Bamboo skewers
  • Chocolate almond bark
  • Sprinkles

These strawberry brownie kebabs are the easiest Valentine's Day treat. These fruit skewers also have marshmallows and kids love to make them.


  1. Wash and dry strawberries. Remove stems.
  2. Cut brownies into small squares.
  3. Layer strawberries, brownies, and marshmallows.
  4. Place kebobs on waxed paper.
  5. Melt almond bark according to package directions. You may also substitute for chocolate chips. For best results, transfer melted almond bark to a disposable piping bag.
  6. Snip the end and drizzle over the brownie kabobs. Immediately add sprinkles before the almond bark sets.These strawberry brownie kebabs are the easiest Valentine's Day treat. These fruit skewers also have marshmallows and kids love to make them.


More easy desserts for Valentine’s Day


These strawberry brownie kebabs are the easiest Valentine's Day treat. These fruit skewers also have marshmallows and kids love to make them.

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