New York City with Kids: 5 Must-Do Holiday Activities

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Diana Limongi-Gabriele is Hispana Global’s New York writer. She is a Latina New Yorker with proud Ecuadorian roots, married to a Frenchman. She is mommy to a three year old boy, Enzo. She and her husband are committed to raising their son, @babyenzog, in a multi-lingual, multicultural world.
Diana works hard juggling a full-time job, motherhood, family, grad school and her blog, , LadydeeLG , where she writes about issues she is passionate about: motherhood, teaching her son Spanish and French, Latino issues, good quality food and women’s rights. Diana is a contributor for Baby Center and is a member of MomsRising's Good Food Force.
Diana loves connecting with readers via Twitter, @dianalimongi and Facebook. and she’s slightly obsessed with Instagram.