7 Inspirational Life Tips I Have Learned

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I feel so fortunate to be celebrating one more year of life. It’s not just a matter of surviving another year or simply celebrating a birthday. It’s crucial to find a way to truly enjoy every single day. Even better if you find a way to feel gratitude when you wake up and before you go to sleep. For my birthday, I want to share seven inspirational life tips I have learned.

woman shares inspiration life tips

Here is a few inspirational life tips that I have learned and that I shared on my Instagram. Since I got so much lovely feedback, I decided to write a blog post.

woman shares 7 inspirational life tips7 inspirational life tips to guide you

  1. The only person that needs to believe in you, is YOU. Your self-esteem needs to come from within, no matter how much somebody told you that you didn’t deserve to be loved or to shine. Silence those voices and take away their power by realizing you have everything you need to succeed inside you. Instead of working so hard on getting others to approve or love you, make sure you like yourself and learn to love who you are.
  2. Learn to let go. We spend too much time clinging on to unhealthy habits, the wrong goals, toxic people and wanting what we don’t need.  It’s not a matter of giving up. It’s a matter of understanding that you are allowed to make different choices once you have new information. 
  3. Forgive yourself. Yes, we all make mistakes. Some are worse than others. But we need to forgive ourselves for making the wrong choices when we had the incomplete or wrong information. Sometimes we do the best we can and even then get it wrong. 
  4. Always get up. No matter how many times you fall, no matter how many times you fail, no matter how many times you end up short of your goals, the biggest lesson is learning to get up. Then try again. Some days it might take you much more effort than others, but muster your strength and carry on. Yes, you can do it. Even if it requires leaning on others to get back on your feet.
  5. It’s not your job to please others. Really. But you do have to live with yourself, with your actions and the consequences of your choices and actions. Make sure you like yourself when you look deep inside. If you don’t it is never too late to change course and make amends. Yes, you can.
  6. Wear sunscreen every single day. You have no idea how much of a difference it makes. Your skin and your health will thank you. Melanoma is one of the most common types of cancer affecting young adults. Another tip: find a dermatologist that you can trust!
  7. Life isn’t fair but that doesn’t mean it should stop you from doing better. You are allowed to get frustrated at the unfairness of too many situations and circumstances, but don’t let those feelings prevent you from doing the right thing. Also, keep learning so you can do better and be an ally to those who might be even worse than you are. At a very minimum, you can be a voice for the voiceless.

Do you celebrate your birthday or do you loathe it? What have you learned as the years go by? Let me know if my life lessons inspire you in any way.

Birthdays are perfect for celebrating and reflecting. For my birthday, I want to share seven inspirational life tips I have learned.


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