10 Empowering Latina Quotes In English and Spanish
Embrace the spirit of Hispanic Heritage Month year round with inspiring and empowering Latina quotes in English and Spanish. Discover the wisdom and resilience of remarkable and famous Latinas like Sonia Sotomayor, Dolores Huerta, Gloria Estefan, Frida Kahlo, and Isabel Allende.

Whether during Hispanic Heritage Month or year round, we have the perfect opportunity to celebrate the rich cultural contributions and the remarkable strength and resilience of Latina women with these powerful quotes. Throughout history, Latinas have shattered barriers, overcome adversity, and inspired others with their wisdom and determination. One of the greatest things to come from their struggles is the ability to inspire generation after generation of human beings. They continue to inspire people of all ages in a very profound way, especially with their messages of hope.
These are wonderful Hispanic Heritage Month quotes, too. All of these women come from different backgrounds and many of their words have become a part of the American tapestry. Celebrate their strength, unity, and unwavering determination, as they inspire us to break barriers, preserve our cultural identity, and advocate for positive change. They have also tried in their own way to make the world a better place.
Embracing one’s cultural identity is a transformative journey that empowers individuals to embrace their roots and heritage proudly. Latinas often face societal pressures to conform to mainstream norms, but so many break free from these constraints and celebrate their unique cultural backgrounds. One inspiring example of someone who embodies this sentiment is Ellen Ochoa, the first Latina astronaut in space. Throughout her groundbreaking career, she embraced her Mexican heritage, inspiring countless young Latinas to pursue careers in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM).
Next time you are feeling the need for uplifting words, revisit this post with empowering Latina quotes to sustain you til the finish line. Embrace their words with an open heart and see where they take you. It’s the best way to start feeling inspired again!
Top Empowering Latina Quotes
Discover 10 empowering quotes from Hispanic women that reflect the enduring spirit and pride of Latinas everywhere. You can also print these positive quotes to inspire you to achieve great things.
1. “I do know one thing about me: I don’t measure myself by others’ expectations or let others define my worth.”
“Sé una cosa de mi misma: no me mido por las expectativas de los demás ni dejo que los demás definan mi valor.” – Sonia Sotomayor
There are so many remarkable quotes from Sonia Maria Sotomayor, the first Hispanic and Latina Supreme Court Justice that is also know as a wise Latina woman. Despite facing numerous obstacles on her path to success, Justice Sotomayor remained steadfast in her pursuit of justice and equality. Her story continues to inspire Latinas everywhere to embrace their strength and seize opportunities fearlessly. But most importantly, her words of wisdom remind us to not measure our worth according to the definitions of others.
2. “You fall; you get back up. If you don’t get back up, you’re already stopping your success.”
“Te caes; te vuelves a levantar. Si no te levantas, ya estás deteniendo tu éxito”- Gina Rodriguez
Gina Rodriguez, known for her role in the TV series “Jane the Virgin,” has been an outspoken advocate for Latina representation in the media and beyond. She also became a role model for young women. This quote emphasizes the importance of persistence, strength and determination when facing obstacles.
3. “The world needs to know that we exist, that we matter.”
El mundo necesita saber que existimos, que importamos. – Dolores Huerta
This quote encapsulates the ongoing struggle for visibility and recognition that Latinas face. Dolores Huerta’s relentless activism paved the way for future generations to have a voice and be recognized for their contributions. Present-day Latina leaders, such as Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, continue to advocate for equitable policies, following in Huerta’s footsteps. This quote reiterates that Latinas not only exist but also shape the course of history.
4. “I am the granddaughter of slaves, who dared to dream. I am the daughter of immigrants, who challenged the status quo. I am a symbol of hope and resilience.”
“Soy la nieta de esclavos que se atrevieron a soñar. Soy la hija de inmigrantes que desafiaron el status quo. Soy un símbolo de esperanza y resiliencia”. – Sonia Sotomayor
Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor’s quote highlights her extraordinary journey from humble beginnings to being the first woman of Hispanic origin to serve on the highest court in the United States. Her story exemplifies the transformative power of hope, resilience, and the pursuit of justice. Latinas everywhere can draw inspiration from her trailblazing example and hope for a better life.
5. “Yes, it can be done.”
“Sí se puede” – Dolores Huerta
Dolores Huerta’s resounding mantra has transcended time and borders, inspiring countless movements and communities worldwide. The phrase exemplifies the power of collective action and instills hope and determination in Latinas to create positive change in their communities and beyond. It even became the motto of the United Farm Workers of America, which se cofounded with César Chávez.
6. “You’ve got to believe. Never be afraid to dream.”
“Tienes que creer. Nunca tengas miedo de soñar”. – Gloria Estefan
Gloria Estefan, a Cuban-American singer, songwriter, and actress, has been an influential advocate for freedom and pursuing your dreams. This quote reminds us to embrace our passions and believe in ourselves. She and her husband Emilio embody the American dream but they never forget where they came from and the struggles they faced before their success.
7. “I can promise you that women working together linked, informed, and educated can bring peace and prosperity to this forsaken planet.”
“Puedo prometerles que las mujeres trabajando juntas – conectadas, informadas y educadas – pueden traer paz y prosperidad a este planeta abandonado” – Isabel Allende
The renowned Chilean writer has inspired countless readers with her evocative storytelling and powerful insights. As an advocate for women’s rights and empowerment, Isabel Allende recognizes the transformative potential of collective action. This quote emphasizes the strength of unity among women and their capacity to effect positive change on a global scale. Unity can be the most powerful weapon of all. Latinas like acclaimed writer Isabel Allende, have demonstrated that storytelling can be a powerful tool for expressing emotions, creating connections, and advocating for social change.
8. “I’m okay if people don’t know who I am, but if you remember my character that would be great.”
”No me importa si la gente no sabe quién soy, pero si recuerdan mi naturaleza, eso sería maravilloso” – America Ferrera
America Ferrera, a talented actress and advocate of Honduran descent, emphasizes the importance of leaving a lasting impression through the essence of one’s character. This quote reflects her humility and desire to be remembered not solely for her fame or accomplishments but for the values and principles she embodies. By focusing on one’s character, Latinas can inspire others to cultivate their inner qualities and make a positive impact on those around them.
9. “Feet, what do I need you for when I have wings to fly?”
“¡Pies para que los quiero, si tengo alas para volar!” – Frida Kahlo
Frida Kahlo, known for her resilience and determination, wrote this in a journal. You can find it in La Casa Azul, the home she shared with Diego Rivera, which is now the Museo Frida Kahlo. Despite facing physical and emotional challenges, she found the strength to transcend limitations and pursue her dreams with unwavering determination.
10. “Life is a carnival.”
“La vida es un carnaval”- Celia Cruz
Celia Cruz’s hit song “La vida es un carnaval” is a celebration of life’s ups and downs. This quote reminds us to embrace life’s challenges with a positive attitude, as every moment is an opportunity for joy and celebration. Throughout her songs you find uplifting and wise words that inspire younger generations.
Which empowering Latina quotes are your favorite? Let me know if you end up saving and printing them.
At the end of the day, I hope these empowering Latina quotes serve as a source of inspiration and strength, encapsulating the remarkable journeys of women who have broken barriers, shattered stereotypes, and advocated for a more inclusive and just world. These famous quotes, complemented by the stories of influential Latina figures, remind us of the importance of valuing our own culture and celebrating positive role models.
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