7 Steps To Take Better Care Of Yourself

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If you’re struggling with taking care of yourself or making yourself a priority, you are not alone, because it’s easy to forget about self-care when we have so many responsibilities.

As women we are used to taking good care of others but often forget to take care of ourselves. In the long run we hurt ourselves tremendously because if we are unwell, we are unable to care for our children, parents or partner.

So I want you to realize that you must be a priority for yourself. That is the first step for you to live a more balanced life. And you don’t need to spend money to improve your self-care.

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If self-care seems like a luxury, here are 7 steps to help you take better care of yourself! You have to set boundaries and be your own priority before you take care of others.

 7 steps to help you take better care of yourself

If you don’t know how to improve your situation, here are 7 steps to help you take better care of yourself and fix what isn’t working for you:

  1. Identify your symptoms. Perhaps you suffer from headaches, stomach problems or insomnia. All of these are signs that something is wrong or out of balance.
  2. Assess how you can resolve these signs of imbalance. If it is a medical problem, get a checkup and discuss the best steps to take. Establish boundaries and limits to organize your schedules and force yourself to sleep more, eat better and reduce stress. If you don’t remember the last time you went to the dentist, it’s time to book an appointment right now.
  3. Make a daily list of the five most important things you need to do, and then remove two. Achieving three goals a day is much more realistic and will give you great satisfaction.
  4. Now add to that daily list something that’s just for you. It can be as simple as reading a magazine, meditating or watching your favorite series on Netflix. It can also be a bubble bath, a nap, exercise, meeting with a friend or pampering yourself with a manicure.
  5. Ask for help. This is not a sign of weakness but of wisdom. Before you drown due to the many responsibilities on your shoulders, don’t be afraid to ask your partner, a loved one or a friend to lend you a helping hand. Just because you can do everything alone it does not mean that you always should do it all on your own. It is not a question of ability but rather knowing how to avoid being overwhelmed.
  6. Realize that taking care of your health is a necessity and not a luxury. If you are too exhausted to take care of yourself, you’re harming yourself in the long run. Schedule your yearly checkups and find ways to be healthier. And yes, mental health is a crucial part of your overall wellbeing, so make sure to do what’s necessary to feel stronger.
  7. Check if there are simple ways to repair or solve issues that affect you. For example, if you often fall asleep without brushing your teeth because exhaustion overcomes you when you put your child to bed, brush before you kiss your kids good-night. Or if you skip breakfast due to lack of time, prepare overnight oats, or remind yourself to eat fruit or a cereal bar.  Schedule time for yourself every day or put your mobile phone in night mode half an hour before bedtime, so you won’t be tempted to check your social media or text messages.
If self-care seems like a luxury, here are 7 steps to help you take better care of yourself! You have to set boundaries and be your own priority before you take care of others.

Are you ready to get better at this self-care thing? Don’t wait and improve little things each day so it feels less overwhelming.


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