How To Easily Save Up To $5050 In 100 Days
If you want to save more money and reach your financial goals in the new year, you’ll love these three easy methods you can start using right away. The best part is that they’ll help you become more disciplined with your money and get into the habit of saving. It doesn’t matter if you’re on a tight budget or don’t have cash on hand—there are different ways to save up more money.

You can repeat these challenges as many times as you want. So, when you finish the challenge you choose, I suggest starting another one. That way, saving becomes a daily habit in your life. Besides building an emergency fund, the money you save can also go into a high yield savings account that earns interest.
I made two free printables to help you track your progress with the challenges. I hope you like them!
$5,050 in 100 Days Challenge
This 100-day challenge has proven to work and has gone viral on social media. You’ll need cash for this challenge to work, but it’s worth it because, before you know it, you’ll save $5,050—a substantial amount. Imagine how much that could have helped you this year!
You’ll Need:
- 100 envelopes
- A marker or stickers with numbers
- Two boxes to store the envelopes
- A chart to track the days you’ve completed (you can print the one below)
- Number the envelopes from 1 to 100.
- Each day, pick an envelope and put in the amount of cash equal to the number on the envelope.
- Mark the envelope number on your tracking chart.
- Store the envelope in a safe place.
- At the end of 100 days, you’ll have saved $5,050!
$500 in 100 Days Challenge
If you’re on a tight budget or want a simpler challenge to help you save $500, this one’s for you. The only rule is to commit to saving $5 a day.
You’ll Need:
- 100 envelopes
- $5 bills
- A marker or stickers with numbers
- A chart to track the days you’ve completed (you can print the one included in this post)
- Label the envelopes from 1 to 100.
- Each day, put $5 into an envelope.
- Mark the envelope number on your tracking chart.
- Store the envelope in a safe place.
- At the end of 100 days, you’ll have saved $500!
$5,050 in 100 Days Challenge (Digital Version)
This version of the 100-day challenge is for those who don’t have cash on hand but can access an electronic bank account. You’ll save $5,050 in a savings account and you know you won’t have any excuses. You can keep the money in a separate savings account and use it for emergencies, a car, rent, or next year’s holiday gifts. Or you can transfer to a a CD, money market account or high yield savings account.
You’ll Need:
- 100 pieces of paper numbered 1 to 100
- A chart to track the days you’ve completed
- A digital savings account
- Each day, draw a numbered piece of paper and transfer an amount equal to that number to your savings account.
- Mark the number on your tracking chart.
- At the end of 100 days, you’ll have $5,050 saved in your account!
Which challenge are you doing in 2025?
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