7 Things All Mothers Eventually Steal from Their Daughters

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Things mothers steal from daughters
Mamás, let’s be honest, when it comes to our daughters there are some things that we will all eventually steal from them. Don’t worry; I’m not referring to anything that will traumatize them—at least not all that much.

If we are moms worthy of the title, nothing we steal will veer into telenovela escándalo territory so love, interests and identities will always be safe, as well as anything else that truly matters. However, some of the more trivial things in our daughters’ lives we’ll just snatch right out from under them, because after all what’s theirs is ours, right?

Por ejemplo… (for example)

1. Candy
Halloween, piñata and any other kind of candy is not safe when a mami with PMS is around. Plus, I have this theory that the calories in the candy I steal from my daughters’, just don’t count as much. Yes, it’s a delusional theory, but I’m stickin’ to it.

2. Hair Ties
Why bother buying hair ties of your own when you have daughters? Seems so silly when you can just use theirs.

3. Purses
If you’ve got a purse thing, as soon as your daughter starts using purses, you kind of eye them for how well they will work for you, too. You feel perfectly fine “borrowing” your daughter’s bag from Target, but she better not even think of using any of your “designer” bags.

4. Shoes
If you have a daughter that wears the same size shoe as you, why wouldn’t you want to walk a mile or more in her shoes?

5. Costume Jewelry
Costume jewelry is so much fun and sometimes you just can’t resist wearing that rhinestone Hello Kitty cocktail ring.

6. Magazines
Who says you have to be a teen to read Teen Vogue?

7. Slang
One day you open your mouth and your daughter comes out in phrases like, “what the what?!” It’s because slang is totally contagious.

It’s all good. It’s not like moms are out to steal from their daughters on purpose, we just can’t help it if we happen to like some of the same things they do.
Image via zoenet/Flickr

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