If your skin is feeling dry, tight and even itchy check out the top winter skin care tips. Cold temperatures, low humidity, and harsh winds can all take their toll on the skin .

1. Moisturize regularly 2. Use a humidifier 3. Avoid hot showers:. 4. Use a gentle cleanser 5. Protect your skin barrier 6. Avoid using products that contain alcohol 7. Use sunscreen 8.. Consider adding a facial oil to your routine


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Tip 1.

The first step in any winter skincare routine should be to gently cleanse the skin.

Tip 2.

The second step is to nourish your skin with a serum. Hyaluronic acid and niacinamide are great ingredients that can can help seal in moisture.

Tip 3.

Next, it's important to moisturize the skin. This is especially true during the winter when the air is dry and the skin is more likely to be dehydrated.